LitPick Review

Girl Z, by C.A. Verstraete, is about a time where there is a virus that can turn you into a zombie. However, if you are young and strong, there is a chance that it will only make you part zombie. This is what happens to the main character, Becca. The book is about her living with her aunt, dealing with her problems, and trying to find her mother who has gone missing. They meet up with a few more people on the way, some human and some part Z, as they're called.
This book idea was really cool. It was a new take on something that has been done to death, and it could've been a very popular book. I thought there were too many characters. Seriously, 5 or so characters could've been enough to make this a good book, but Verstraete adds to these, bringing in pointless characters who do nothing for the story and just add to the confusion. Also, there are a few grammatical errors, but this book was a pre-release copy, so it is in the editing process. I did find this book to be a little confusing. There is so much happening at once, it's hard to keep track, and this book did not seem to have a conclusion. It's not a book I would reccomend to my friends.