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Stained review by XxtidaxX | LitPick Book Reviews
Stained review by XxtidaxX
by Cheryl Rainfield
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 18
Reviewer's Location - Chouteau, OK, United States
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Have you ever been bullied? Ever felt that soul wrenching loneliness that seems to engulf your every thought? Sarah Meadows felt that exact same way all because of the the port-wine stain that covers her cheek. The novel,Stained, written by Cheryl Rainfield is a story about Sarah, the seventeen-year-old girl who thought her life couldn't get any worse until one day everything came crushing down onto her. She finds out that her father's company is going under when someone embezzles their money, which causes her parents to cancel her skin treatments for her birthmark to be taken away. But as her day goes on, she quickly realizes that the news given to her that morning is the absolute least of her worries.

Abducted on her way home from school, Sarah finds herself gagged and tired up in the back seat of a familiar car, but who's driving? Where are they taking her? But more importantly, what do they want with her? Sarah quickly finds herself more alone than she ever could imagine, but when she realizes she's not being rescued, she ponders what's going to become of her. Every moment she wonders if this is the moment she's going to die, but she can't keep thinking this way. She tries to escape, but starvation and dehydration eat at her every muscle, and soon she starts to give up hope as the months go by. Will she escape? Will she be able to free herself from the prision that's become all she knows? Or will she become another victim of a murderer?


Personally, I couldn't believe how much this book really dragged me into it. When I first got the book, I thought I wasn't going to like it, and that I wouldn't be able to finish the book, but when I actually started to read the book, I wasn't able to put it down even for a second. I would suggest this book to anyone, it truly is a riveting book that draws you in and won't let you go.

Content Rating:

Content rating - mature content

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The mature content found in this book are about the character being raped.




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