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Mistry by Moonlight | LitPick Book Reviews
Mistry by Moonlight
Mistry by Moonlight (The Mistry Trilogy)
Mistry by Moonlight
Top Choice

Book Details


  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • For Reluctant Readers
  • Paranormal
  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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Taylor Mistry changed after a year in Italy. She used to be chubby and ignored. But after her time in Italy, losing weight, and meeting someone she has more confidence. However, when she returns, she finds an injured wolf and helps him. When she does, something scratches her. That one scratch changed her life forever. Her old crush finally notices her, the man she met in Italy shows up and she meets Harper. Her life will never be as simple as it once was.

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22 year old Taylor Mistry, who is in veterinary training, returns from a year abroad in Italy to her home in South Coast.   She feels like a new person.  She recently lost weight and is struggling with people's new perceptions of her and fitting back in to her hometown and old life.  On her way home from the airport, she sees and tries to help an injured wolf.   She is interrupted by a bloodcurdling screech and an unknown assailant who leaves scratches on her back.  Soon, dangerous events are occurring near Taylor, and she comes close to death several times.

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Taylor, a student who is planning to be a vet as her career and now returned back home to South Coast from Europe, has changed significantly. The girl who used to be out of the circle, is now the center of attention that everyone loves. After returning back to South Coast, she found something very surprising along the way back to her old home: an injured wolf on the side of the road. Taylor stopped her car and ended up helping the wolf, not knowing the dangers of helping that wounded wolf.

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