Our Book Review Cycle
Reviewer Requests NonFiction or Fiction Review Book from LitPick
Reviewer’s Review
Reviewer Reads Book |
Reviewer Writes Review of Book and Submits Review
LitPick Book Reviews receives copies of new books from authors and publishers looking for reviews. Once a person has been accepted as a LitPick book reviewer, we offer these books to them to read and review. These book review copies are made available to our book reviewers in a booklist online that they can view and select from after they log into LitPick. Our book reviewers can either download these free copies from our site or are sent these copies for review.
LitPick reviewers then read these books and write book reviews, sharing with us their opinions on these titles.Once evaluated by our staff, these book reviews are posted on our website and are made available to authors and publishers, promoting reading and writing with benefits for all stakeholders.