Paw Prints on the Couch: How pets enrich our lives
Paw Prints on the Couch: How pets enrich our lives
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Paw Prints on the Couch highlights the importance of our furry companions and the impact they have on our lives. The joy and yes, the heartache we experience when we have to say goodbye. Nonetheless, we celebrate the moments shared with our pets and the memories that will always be with us. What would our world be without our furry friends?

The stories acknowledge the joy that comes with opening your heart and home to a furry companion and is a testament to the eternal bond between humans and our animal companions.

With tales of loyalty, bravery, and above all, unconditional love, this book is a reminder of the powerful impact pets have on our lives. So grab a blanket, curl up with your own furry friend, and let the charming stories within "Paw Prints on the Couch" touch your heart and soul.

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Book Details


  • Animals
  • Humor

Age Level: 

  • Any Age
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Unconditional love is just a belly rub away! Paw Prints on the Couch is a collection of touching pet stories from individuals whose hearts have been forever marked by a furry friend and includes bonus perspectives from furry storytellers, Dexter and Kitsie. From the humorous to the sad, Paw Prints on the Couch shares personal memories that refuse to fade.


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Paw Prints on the Couch: How Pets Enrich Our Lives by Kim Lengling is a collection of stories about pets: cats, dogs, and even horses! In these stories, the contributing authors share poignant memories involving their fur babies and how they have left a significant impact on their lives. These tales, narrated from the perspective of the owners or the pets themselves, are a blend of humor and heartbreak. The book also includes a brief chapter on factors to consider before getting a pet.


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