LitPick Review

Inside the covers of Girl Meets Boy, there are six love stories, each told from the girl's and boy's perspectives. This creates twelve parts, two sides to every story. Each of the twelve parts to the book features a different author, so they all differ stylistically. Each story is different, which gives the book a short-story feel. It includes stories like an outgoing girl and a shy boy, and a gay boy looking to find someone online.
In my opinion, this book had some flaws; it wasn't the best romance book I've read. I enjoyed that the authors did do an excellent job of changing each story in order to make them not all be the same one. That's one thing that really makes this book unique. However, I felt in many of the stories, when it would just start to pull me into the plot, it would end. I think the book would be greatly improved by narrowing it down to three or four stories, instead of six, and having the stories each be longer and more detailed. Another thing that bothered me about the book was that in some of the stories, the focus of the writing wasn't romance. It would be a detailed narrative story with just a hint of love to it. I believe some of them should have been rewritten to better fit the theme of the book. I did enjoy some parts of the book more than others, but it was overall not a bad read. This book is a quick and easy read for those interested in realistic-fiction romance blends.