LitPick Review
Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location -
MI ,
United States
View SLud_Hopkins's profile
Rory Coleman drops out of band to focus on his chemistry
scholarship. His parents don't care about his choices,
neither do his friends. However,his band teachers think he
is making a bad decision and he should continue his career
in tuba playing. Rory's new girlfriend, Victoria Beach, is
also being pressured by the same band teachers when she
wants study something other than music for once. Together,
Rory and Victoria discover their futures and learn to make
their own decisions in life.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It also turned out to
be more of a romance than I expected, which was a nice take.
A Wind in Montana was very focused and never really strayed
much from the plot. The characters were fun to follow in
their own journeys. Definitely DO NOT judge this book by
its cover or pages. It is not at all boring or lame. It was
a little on the long side of books but nothing really to
worry about. I would recommend this to book to many of my
Explain your content rating:
Some pretty explicit sexual content and swearing