The Icy Hand review by VGrot_SHMS
The Icy Hand: Something Wickedly Weird, vol. 2
by Chris Mould, Chris Mould
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Tecumseh, KS, United States
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This book is about a kid named Stanley. It is the second in a series called "Something Wickedly Weird." In this book, Stanely returns to Candlestick Hall during the winter. When he was first there, he found out about Ibis, a special stone. He held the stone in his hand awakening the Stormbringers, two ghost pirates. They are going to try to take back Ibis. It is up to Stanely and his new friend, Daisy, to protect it.


I think the book was written well. It has some illustrations to help you understand the plot better.



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Content rating - nothing offensive

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