The Icy Hand
The Icy Hand: Something Wickedly Weird, vol. 2
The Icy Hand
Chris Mould, Chris Mould
THE ICY HAND VOLUME 2 :THE SECOND ADVENTURE IN STANLEY BUGGLE'S SAGAEven more wicked and weird than the first! Stanley is looking forward to a relaxing winter. After all, nothing could have been weirder than the werewolf curse and plotting pirates he had to face the summer before! Or at least that's what Stanley thinks; but he has a lot to learn about Cramdon Rock, especially after accidentally bringing some dead pirates back to life―ones that make the previous pirates he faced look like cuddly puppy dogs and ones that are trudging across the arctic determined to fi nd a magical medallion in Stanley's house. The only person who can save him is his dead great-uncle Bartholomew, which is a little tricky considering he's…well, dead. Oh, and did we mention headless? With the help of a talking stuffed fish and a new friend named Daisy, Stanley sets out to fi nd his great-uncle's head, stop the pirates, and win over some new readers in this second funny and spooky installment of a thrilling new series.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction
  • Series

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

This book is about a kid named Stanley. It is the second in a series called "Something Wickedly Weird." In this book, Stanely returns to Candlestick Hall during the winter. When he was first there, he found out about Ibis, a special stone. He held the stone in his hand awakening the Stormbringers, two ghost pirates. They are going to try to take back Ibis. It is up to Stanely and his new friend, Daisy, to protect it.

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