Book Reviews by VGrot_SHMS
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Kate Daniels is at it again. She is trying to help her shapeshifting friend and get revenge upon the ones who put him in a coma. The beast overlord, Curran, is in love with her and she has to deal with that also. Samhain "invites" her to go to an illegal tournament and that is where a lot of her trouble begins. This book has some mature parts but is still very good. The main theme is most likely expect the unexpected. This is one book you won't want to put down!

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This book is about a kid named Stanley. It is the second in a series called "Something Wickedly Weird." In this book, Stanely returns to Candlestick Hall during the winter. When he was first there, he found out about Ibis, a special stone. He held the stone in his hand awakening the Stormbringers, two ghost pirates. They are going to try to take back Ibis. It is up to Stanely and his new friend, Daisy, to protect it.