Touched By An Alien
Touched by an Alien (Alien Novels)
Touched By An Alien
Gini Koch
Sci-fi action meets steamy paranormal romance in Gini Koch’s Alien novels, as Katherine “Kitty” Katt faces off against aliens, conspiracies, and deadly secrets. • “Futuristic high-jinks and gripping adventure.” —RT Reviews  Marketing manager Katherine "Kitty" Katt had just finished a day on jury duty. When she stepped out of the Pueblo Caliente courthouse, all she was thinking about was the work she had to get caught up on. Then her attention was caught by a fight between a couple that looked like it was about to turn ugly. But ugly didn't even begin to cover it when the "man" suddenly transformed into a huge, winged monster right out of a grade Z science fiction movie and went on a deadly killing spree. In hindsight, Kitty realized she probably should have panicked and run screaming the way everyone around her was doing. Instead she sprinted into action to take down the alien. In the middle of all the screeching and the ensuing chaos, a hunk in an Armani suit suddenly appeared beside her, introduced himself as Jeff Martini with "the agency," and then insisted on leading her to a nearby limo to talk to his "boss." And that was how Kitty's new life among the aliens began...Touched by an Alien is the thrilling first installment of the Alien novels.

Book Details


  • Science Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Kitty never had anything unnatural happen to her. She worked at an office, had pet fish, and didn't get into fights a lot. After jury duty at the Pueblo courthouse Katt came out to see a fight between a couple, no one did anything about it, minding their own business. Then the "man" turned into a winged alien and tore people to shreds. Kitty couldn't do anything to stop him but kill the "man". The only weapon Katt had was a fountain pen from her Dad. That was just the beginning of creepy aliens killing people.

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