
This graphic novel adaptation of the critically acclaimed play WITCHLAND takes place in Richland Washington, "the most toxic place in the Western Hemisphere," near the infamous Hanford Nuclear Plant, which in the 1940s and 1950s released significant amounts of cancer-causing radioactive materials into the nearby environment. This is the story of a family who moves to this town and the unexplained terror that surrounds them. Is it owed to the nuclear plant...or something more sinister?

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Book Details


  • Horror
  • Manga/Graphic Novel

Age Level: 

  • Mature Young Adult
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Witchland, written by Tim Mulligan and illustrated by Pyrink, is a tale of new beginnings, suspense, and horror. The comic follows a family of three: Van and Jared, who are partners in marriage, and their adopted daughter Ali. When Jared gets a new job in Richland, Washington, the family decides to relocate to support the opportunities that come with Jared’s new position. They finally have a house of their own, have higher income, and can make a fresh start from past vices. However, Richland is not quite as it seems.

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Outside her dismal, dilapidated house lies a pile of sticks; knock them over and tomorrow they will be back in place, but never, never take one – the consequences are beyond the limits of your mind. Ali, a high school senior, and her two dads, Jared and Von, are unknowingly moving just across the street from Richland’s witch. Despite their many misgivings about Jared’s new job at the nuclear power plant, they agree to tolerate Richland, a place where they stand out like sore thumbs.

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