Visionary: The Visionary Series
Visionary: The Visionary Series

What would you do if you could see the future? After getting corrective eye surgery, twenty-four-year-old high school teacher Cassia Reid opens her eyes to find that her vision is a lot better than she expected. Without her glasses, she can now see how people will die, including those closest to her. In an effort to save them from their grim fate, Cassia turns to Sal Vincent and his supernatural allies to learn more about her visions, including whether it is possible to change the future. But will Cassia figure it out before it’s too late?

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Visionary by Claire Merchant is a story about a high school teacher, Cassia Reid, who realizes after an eye surgery that she can see more than expected. Cassia opted to have eye surgery to correct her sight, but after the surgery, she finds out that her sight is a lot better, but weird. She finds out she can see more than expected which includes how people will die. She is now surrounded by this gruesome sight each day and the only way to hinder her from seeing this is to put on her glasses. Furthermore, she also comes in contact with Sal and his friends who are like her but different.

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