Knowing Nora
Knowing Nora
Knowing Nora
Do you know Nora Hadley? Not many people do; and more and more often these days Nora doesn't know if she even knows herself. A prude raised by strict Catholic parents to her friends, a student mature beyond her years to her teachers, a responsible daughter to her parents - all of these things fall into freefall as Nora finds herself increasingly fixated on her new literature teacher, William Summers. A desire to get to know the man behind the blackboard outside of school hours and to discuss the virtues of The Wind in the Willows and Romeo and Juliet cascades into a dangerous path of self-discovery with potentially devastating consequences for the staff and students of South Iris High.

Book Details


  • Chick Lit
  • Fiction
  • For Reluctant Readers
  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • Mature Young Adult

Quiet eleventh-grader Nora Hadley can’t wait to get out of South Iris High. The daughter of the school’s head of religion, she gets mocked for her faith. Nora’s two friends, reckless Ainslee and sweet Carrie, try to support her, but even they don’t understand the extent of her Catholic parents’ strict rules. Mum and Dad question her every move.

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