The Grimalkin's Secret
The Grimalkin's Secret
The Grimalkin's Secret
Kara Komarnitsky
Top Choice
8-13 year olds who like magic, action, a good mystery, and a surprise ending will enjoy this novel centered on three adventurous teenagers with special powers. Kya can use Reesk, or magic, with the will of her conscience. Eliza can change into any animal as long as she has seen it before. And Sebastian has an unexpected connection to a boy who just vanished into a painting at the local museum. The museum mystery quickly pulls the teenagers deeper into the world of magic than they have ever been before. They are in over their heads as they encounter new creatures and travel halfway across the world to try to save it.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction
  • Mystery

Age Level: 

  • 8 - 12
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     When Kya, Eliza, and Sebastian find out that paintings in a museum are being ruined, they decide to investigate.

The book starts off with three kids, Kya, Eliza and Sebastian, who lost at least one of their parents, and an old wizard, Hemlick, who is teaching them magic. Recently there have been paintings stolen at the art museum. It is up to those three to find out what is going on. But, also Marco, Sebastian’s nephew, has disappeared in the museum. There is magic in this mystery. There is a great army with magic in it. Will Kya, Eliza and Sebastian and a bunch of rebels destroy that army and kill the wicked ruler?

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Kya, Sebastian, and Eliza live in Wyoming in Kya's estate. They live with Eliza's grandpa, Charles, and Sebastian's mom, Maria. Kya and Eliza have magic powers. Sebastian on the other hand does not. Kya and Eliza use their powers for good uses. Kya and Eliza train their powers at Hemlick's house. Hemlick was Kya's father's mentor and now Hemlick is Kya's and Eliza's mentor. One day a boy goes missing at a muesum. Kya and her friends (Sebastian, and Eliza) are linked with the police so when there is a problem they will help.

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This book the Grimalkins

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This book is about three kids who find a magical painting in a museum.

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The Grimalkin’s  Secret is a fantastic two part book. In the first part, three kids, Kya,Eliza,and Sebastian, go to a  museum to try to find out what has caused the museum cameras to malfunction.  While they are investigating they come across a cat from the Grimalkin painting. The cat’s unusual characteristic helps the characters figure out the mystery. In the second part of the book the magical Symbari try to take over the world.

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The main problem is that the Symbari have taken over, and the painting, the Grimalkin, has been tampered with, so the cat in the painting, Catina, has come alive, and she does not know her true identity.

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