Ever The Same
Ever The Same
Top Choice

Sam thinks her life is over when her parents tell her the family is moving weeks before school starts. Starting over is hard enough, but when it is your senior year of high school, it's even harder.

Conner has a great life. He is captain of the school's hockey team, dating a cheerleader, and ready to breeze through his senior year. He didn't expect his life to be thrown off kilter on the first day of school when he meets the new girl.

Ever the Same takes you on a journey of friendship and love that you won't be able to put down.

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  • Romance

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
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Sam is just about to enter her senior year of school, when she finds out that because the past few months while her dad’s promotion has called for him commuting longer hours daily, it has taken its toll on the family. So, her parents have decided to move closer to his job causing Sam to have to switch high schools during her last year. She’s beyond mad at her parents for not considering her feelings.

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Have you ever experienced moving out of the only place you think you will find comfort and friends? If yes, then you are just like Sam. Why don't you dive into this story as we experience her life after this? Ever The Same, written by Michelle Wishner, is about a young adult named Sam. Recently, her father got a promotion at work that required his family to move. It was quite shocking to Sam as she was already in her final year of high school. Not only that, but she would also have to leave her best friend Becky, and all the memories of what they had planned to do were going to waste.

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Relocating is one of the hardest things any teenager could go through, especially in final year of high school. Ever The Same by Michelle Wishner is about a teenager named Sam. Sam’s parents decided to move closer to Mr Taylor’s (Sam’s father) place of work, making it easier for the family to have enough family time. They used to be a very close family which ended when Sam heard her parents were considering relocating without considering her opinion or feelings about it. She couldn’t imagine leaving her hometown where she has been all her life.

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