Vampire Crush review by KThom
Vampire Crush
by A. M. Robinson
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Brownsburg, IN, United States
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Sophie McGee's junior year starts off like normal. She's fighting for the position of editor-in-chief of her school newspaper, has an annoying family, and is living a boy- free life. Then, these new kids show up who talk like they are from the 19th century and are always staying at school as late as possible. And to add to her list of problems, James Hallowell is back. The James that used to be her best friend until he moved in elementary school. The James that now makes Sophie's heart melt whenever she sees him. Sophie's investigating skills kick in when she realizes that James is more reclusive than he used to be, is stronger than normal, and is harboring the same secret as the rest of the new kids at school.


I enjoyed reading Vampire Crush. I found the story interesting, even if it was a little repetitive. I found many similarities between this book and Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, and I wish A.M. Robinson had thought of some other ideas for her story. I really liked the ending of the story because it was unexpected and different. I would recommend this book to people who like vampire and romance novels.



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