Vampire Crush
Vampire Crush
Vampire Crush
A. M. Robinson
I swear, my life was always totally normal.Normal house, normal family, normal school. My looks are average, I don't have any superpowers, no one's showing up to tell me I'm a princess—you get the picture. But when my junior year started, something not normal happened. There were new kids at school . . . new kids with a wardrobe straight out of a 19th-century romance novel, and an inexplicable desire to stay at school until sundown.And on top of that, James Hallowell showed up. James, who stole my sandwiches in fourth grade and teased me mercilessly through middle school. James, who now seems to have the power to make my heart race any time he comes near.But something weird is going on. Because James rarely goes out during the day. And he seems stronger than your typical guy. And he knows the new kids, all of whom seem to be harboring some kind of deep secret. . . .

Book Details


  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Sophie McGee's junior year starts off like normal. She's fighting for the position of editor-in-chief of her school newspaper, has an annoying family, and is living a boy- free life. Then, these new kids show up who talk like they are from the 19th century and are always staying at school as late as possible. And to add to her list of problems, James Hallowell is back. The James that used to be her best friend until he moved in elementary school. The James that now makes Sophie's heart melt whenever she sees him.

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