Tyler & His Solve-A-Matic Machine: Future Busi...
Tyler & His Solve-a-Matic Machine (Future Business Leaders' Series™)
by Guy Smalley, Jennifer Shelley, Jennifer Bouani
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Dorr, MI , United States
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This book's story was an adventure. It started out with the main character, John, an orphan, doing his homework. As the story went on he found a hotel with a gene. This gene told him a riddle and how to achieve being an entrepreneur. He goes to different floors and does different projects. This book is mainly about John trying to build a career.


My opinion for this book would be good. Well, only good for the recommended age, which I am above. I say this because some portions of the book seem too young for me. Some of the good parts in the book are the descriptive scenes and things taught through the character's experiences. A weakness in the book is some of the spirit related parts may be confusing to the audience. My overall opinion on this book is good.


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