Travels of Terror: Strange and Spooky Spots Across...

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 21
Reviewer's Location - Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
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Travels of Terror: Strange and Spooky Spots Across America by Kelly Florence and Meg Hafdahl is a spine-chilling book that explores terrifying places and stories in America through breathtaking adventures. Kelly Florence and her best friend Meg Hafdahl had visited many states in the America, and now they present to us strange stories and places from their journey. In their book lies scary stories such as that of the witches of Salem.  They also discovered true crimes and hidden gems that might not be well-known by most readers. All the way from Massachusetts to California, we are entertained in the scariest way possible as Kelly and Meg's interest in horror takes us on a ride into a world filled with spookiness.


This book is one of the best horrifying books I've ever read based on these following points. First, I love how the authors introduced each American state with eerie illustrations that justifies the fact that it is all about creepy stories. They also included each state name and their population. As a reader, I find this very creative and informative. Next, I appreciated the authors' style of writing.  They divided each chapter into sections with topics that introduced each section. This makes it easier for readers like myself to understand and enjoy each part as it explains and focuses my attention on a particular topic, such as the places to visit and the travel tips in the area. Third, with the pictorial illustration seen on almost every page of the book, the story becomes even more intriguing. For instance, on page 57, we see an illustration of Malla Nurmi, known as Vampiria, and although she's not well known to me, I got to see what she looked like through the image. Apart from that, other hair-raising illustrations were also included, and they added to the creepiness of the book. Finally, I really love how the authors explored the states and provided us with fascinating knowledge, some of which was unknown to me, like the population of each state. They took their time to provide places to shop and restaurants to eat. They also included travel tips for each state they feel would be relevant to future visitors, thus serving as a guide to readers who would like to embark on a horror journey.

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Content rating - nothing offensive

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I would rate the book as nothing offensive and would recommend to readers of true crimes and true horror stories based in America.


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