Terra Insegura review by SHC
Terra Insegura (Daw Science Fiction)
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 19
Reviewer's Location - Towson, Maryland, United States
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Terra Insegura by Edward Willet is a science fiction novel 
with a highly original plot. The storyline centres around 
the adventures of the Selkie (a modified human meant to 
live under water)  Emily Wood and her mother along with 
those of Victor Hansen (a clone of the Selkie's creator) 
and his crew. Marseguro is a water world far away from 
earth. The people and Selkies of Marseguro have long been 
victimized by the radical religious group that has taken 
over Earth, The Body Purified. The Body believe that their 
duty is to fulfil the wishes of their God and eradicate 
all the modified humans in existence. Emily's mother had 
developed a horrific plague that destroyed many of the 
Body Purified and devastated Earth. 
Now, Victor has come to Earth in order to rescue the 
survivors. However, the surviving Body Purified are trying 
harder than ever to destroy the mods. Avartar, the Body 
leader, Karl the first is convinced that the plague is a 
sign from God that the Body haven't been taking their duty 
seriously. Now, as all their lives intertwine Earth 
becomes a battlefield for the survival of all.


This is an engrossing novel that has many unexpected 
twists and turns. In the beginning it is a little hard to 
follow, if you haven't read the preceding books, but as 
the story progresses it all falls into place and becomes a 
fantastic, entertaining and at times nail-biting read that 
readers will thoroughly enjoy. Although the end is 
satisfying it does come abruptly. Fans of Ender's Game 
will find a good read here although this novel is not 
quite up to that standard. The characters are quite 
believeable and the reader is really able to care about 
them and become drawn into their world. Willet's use of 
description is great and involved, making the reader 
really interested in the events of the story and is 
definitely the novel's biggest strength. The vocabulary 
sometimes is a little science focused but the context 
helps to give the reader its definition. The lack of 
explanation is slightly frustrating but didn't really 
hinder my overall reading experience. I would recommend 
Terra Insegura to all fans of science fiction and even to 
those who want to try reading the genre for the first 
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