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The Skinny On Time Management review by PAm_WMS | LitPick Book Reviews
The Skinny On Time Management review by PAm_WMS
The Skinny on Time Management: How to Maximize Your 24-Hour Gift
by Jim Randel
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Nonfiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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I read the book The Skinny on Time Management. The book was written in comic form. The author, Jim Randel, wrote links to outside sources, such as the internet and other books. The book tells you detailed step by step things on how to reach your goal in a certain amount time. The author puts other links to outside sources so one can do his or her own research. 


I thought the book was useful. He clearly states ways one can fix his or her problems with time management. He also made it fun to read it. The author says jokes throughout the book. He uses helpful visuals throughout the book too. The book is written as a cartoon, which makes it fun for a child to read. He writes other sources for helping oneself, such as titles of other books and names of online sites. The book was well-written and I really liked it because it really helped me.



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