LitPick Review

Have ever wondered what the proper name for your fear is? If you have a fear of clowns (you're not alone), you have couldraphobia. If you're afraid of birds, you have ornithophobia. From fear of cats to fear of dolls, this book has them all. This book will tell you what phobias are and how to deal with them. It includes a wide vairty of phobias. Not only that, but it also features famous people who were and are known to have the phobias, making the reader feel not alone.
Though it includes all this, this book has its down sides. In some parts of the book it did not provide enough detail. For example, the section on dolls did not have a way to overcome the fear. This dissapionted me. Also, some parts were not explained. There were some parts that just didn't make sense. Honestly, I thought this book was really boring. The author could have done a better job grabing the reader's attention, and I found the art to be a little sloppy.