LitPick Review

Pick-Up Game is an amazing book about a day on the West 4th street courts, also known as The Cage. We see this day through the eyes of many. Through the eyes of the ballers, the show-boaters and shot-callers, the intellectuals, and players that just love the game. We get their stories and inner emotions, how the feel and what they do about it. But its not just about the inside of The Cage, but the spectators who enjoy every minute of their gladiator slamming the killing blow into the net, latching his elbow onto the rim as he honey-dips the ball. These spectators range from ladies, to friends, to dreamers and writers. We get their feelings on the game the reasons that tie them to The Cage.
I love the way that this book is written. The ball is passed from writer to writer, each putting his or her thoughts into a character. This gives the reader a well-rounded view, not just of the characters, but also of the environment and what it brings out in different people. The only downside is that another will turn around a character painted one way by a previous author. This only happens once on my count though, so I think its fine. All in all, the book was well written, and had a distinct touch of realism. It also had my personal favorite emotion: love for the game of basketball.