Pharmacology review by PWak_RPEMS
by Christopher Herz
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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This book is about a girl named Sarah Striker who moves to San Francisco in 1993 in search of a job to help pay her dad's bills. The  digital age is beginning and pharmaceutical companies are developing new medications like no tomorrow. There are people on the streets picking up human test subjects for the new drugs. She becomes interested in why the companies need human test subjects. She wants to write about it for a magazine. Sarah goes undercover at a pharmaceutical company to try to find out what is going on. She gets a job in their advertising department. Will Sarah lose herself in this new job that pays her an obscene amount of money? Or will she expose what goes on behind closed doors?


This was a really good book. I learned a lot about the drug industry from it. The writing was filled with information, but was still entertaining to read. The author does a good job using first person narration. The the writing got a little confusing at times, but would become clear later on. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes to read about a real issues. Some of the book is written  about while the narrator is high. I thought that was kind of of cool. This book is for readers age 14 and up because of drug use and sex.    


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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