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Our Lives In Between review by sylvie55555 | LitPick Book Reviews
Our Lives In Between review by sylvie55555
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, MA, United States
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Harmony is a soul who is on the journey of life. In Harmony's world, everyone is a "soul" who completes lives on Earth to learn from the human experience on Earth. While on Earth, souls cannot access their thoughts from real life. However, Harmony has a theory. She thinks that with intense concentration, souls are able to take their aspirations and thoughts through the barrier and with them into their lives on Earth. She tells other souls in her class about her theory, and a fellow soul Kaleb agrees to test it with her. They decide to concentrate on finding each other before going to Earth, and each time, they are able to come in contact with each other on Earth in their lives there. Unfortunately, every time they come in contact with each other, their lives on Earth end early. The masters are old souls who are very wise, and they catch wind of Harmony's theory. Harmony thinks she is in trouble, but instead, they ask her for help with something. Earth is heading down a bad path, and they would like Harmony to relay information on the spiritual reasons why Earth exists and is what it is. But will Harmony's theory work? And will she be able to carry out the task?


Overall, I really liked this book. The storyline was interesting, and I thought the characters being "souls" was very different. Because the main character Harmony was a soul, I  got to read chapters from her perspective as a human through her different lives on Earth, which kept the book exciting. Additionally, I liked how the book constantly switched between taking place on Earth and the place where souls live. However, while reading this book there were a few places where I would have liked more explanation of the setting and characters. I was very confused reading the first few chapters, as it wasn't explained what a soul fully was. I was at first confused by the sharp switch between human life and soul life. After reading further into the book and then re-reading the first few chapters, I understood more clearly the relationship between Harmony and the different humans whose lives she lived on Earth. Despite this, Our Lives in Between is definitely worth a read. After getting past the first few chapters, the storyline became a lot more clear, and I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the book! This book is great for older teens and adults!

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