LitPick Review

At the age of fifteen, Zack lives in a special ward of an asylum not due to insanity but to allergies that make a normal existence impossible, originally misdiagnosed as psychosomatic trauma following the death of his parents. He is allergic to sunlight, and able to drink only a special mix that he believes to be a strawberry smoothie. Though he accepts this life, enjoying endless television access and the company of his troublemaking friend Charlie, a mysterious stranger in a motorcycle shatters his strange existence and catapults him into an even stranger one. Zach must flee, accompanied only by Charlie and a mysterious beauty named Luna. It is on this journey that Zach learns the truth: he's a vampire, being hunted by one far more powerful and sinister than himself.
The field of vampire stories for young adults is flooded, with almost every possible storyline used in one form or another. Coming up with a book that contains all the essential elements of a vampire story while steering clear of cliché is a daunting task, which Turner achieves admirably. From start to finish, Night Runner is rivetingly original, taking the expected components of vampire novels and turning them on their heads. Though much of the story is predictable, such as the revelation of Zachs past, there are enough twists to keep the reader interested. The major flaw of the story is pacing; it tries too hard to maintain momentum and ends up being jarringly fast, not stopping to develop characters or explore emotions. For example, Zach's easy acceptance that he is a vampire strikes as unrealistic, and his life prior to the beginning of the story is merely summarized. Scenes which should have been extended are merely skipped over, and character traits are often explained rather than demonstrated. Fans of character-driven novels will be dissappointed. However, for those seeking a thriller that will keep their attention, Night Runner serves its purpose.