Melonhead review by PNels
by Gillian Johnson, Katy Kelly
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Juvenile Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 11
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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Melonhead is a story about a ten year old boy named Adam Melon, who can't help himself from getting into mischief. It is a book full of adventures with Adam and his best friend Sam. The two friends decide to enter the Challenge America invention contest together at school. While they are trying to create the best invention, they manage to get into a little trouble along the way.

Adam and Sam learned a very important lesson in Melonhead. They learned you should not keep secrets from your parents because it just leads to trouble, like when Adam hid a pet snake in his bedroom and it got loose in the house!


Melonhead was funny. I laughed outloud when I was reading it. If you want a good laugh, read Melonhead, for sure.

I liked Melonhead. I thought it was funny, but not the funniest book I have ever read. Alvin Ho was the funniest.

It did remind me that keeping secrets from your parents is not a good thing. And you should always ask before bringing pets into the house.

I liked reading about all of the inventions. I learned that I could reinvent things also.

I liked the ending because after all their hard work and ideas, they made something really useful and won the contest.


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Content rating - nothing offensive

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