LitPick Review

Little Vampire is a book in three parts. In Part One, Little Vampire Goes to School, Little Vampire is sad because he is an only child, and therefore very lonely. So, he decides to go to school. He soon comes in contact with a human boy, Michael, who Little Vampire becomes fast friends with. In the next story, Little Vampire Does Kung-Fu, Michael is bullied at school and decides to take up Kung-Fu to defend himself. So Little Vampire and Michael travel very far until they find Rabbi Solomon, a famous Kung-Fu master. In the last part, Little Vampire and the Canine Defenders Club, Little Vampire and Michael discover a laboratory that does testing on dogs. They soon go after the scientists to free the dogs. Will the dogs be freed or will the evil scientists have a new vampire test subject?
Joann Sfar's children's book Little Vampire is a wonderful read. It was very smooth, and everything was wrapped up nicely in the end. It is far better than the Little Witch series by Deborah Hautzig, about the same sort of things. Little Vampire is a very lovable chracter who has some very mature opinions about life and morals. He dealt with the evil scientists in a nonviolent way, and in the other stories the same kind of unpredictable yet sensible things happened. I would recommend this book to others because of the characters and the different happenings.