Book Reviews by RGer
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Mau was just coming back from his coming of age ritual when the big wave came. The wave wiped out everything in the Nation- people and animals alike. The wave also crashed the English vessel, Sweet Judy, into the Nation and killed all of her crew- all, that is, but Daphne. Daphne and Mau meet, and soon after that survivors from other islands in the chain arrive. They bring word that the Raiders- a cannibalistic tribe from the farthest island- are going to each of the islands in the chain, one by one, and looking for people to kill.

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Everyone knows the world is covered in advertisements today 
from seeing them on cars, to ones in the mall, and even in 
the back of books.  They're everywhere, but can you imagine 
if the advertisements controlled your emotions, and made 
you want to run out and buy the product right away?  In the 
world that Taylor lives in, New York City set in the 
future, this is her life.  She is so accustomed to the 
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Nobody Owens knows he is different. But now, he's finally learning just how different he really is. After his family was killed one night by an ancient and secret organization, Nobody, now known as Bod, has been raised in the graveyard. He has gained some gifts from the inhabitants, such as the ability to Fade out of sight. But now, 13 years later, the same people who killed his family have set out to finish the job. Bod must save himself and his friend- but it comes at a price.

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Little Vampire is a book in three parts. In Part One, Little Vampire Goes to School, Little Vampire is sad because he is an only child, and therefore very lonely. So, he decides to go to school. He soon comes in contact with a human boy, Michael, who Little Vampire becomes fast friends with. In the next story, Little Vampire Does Kung-Fu, Michael is bullied at school and decides to take up Kung-Fu to defend himself. So Little Vampire and Michael travel very far until they find Rabbi Solomon, a famous Kung-Fu master.

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This mystery novel by MAC is about Anna Smudge, a junior high schooler . Anna has always been slow, but not stupid. She simply likes to take her time with things, so when her new guidance counselor gives her the idea of becoming a professional shrink, she tries on the idea before jumping at it. When her enemy, the school bully, Jacob Pierce, scatters her fancy, handmade business cards all around town, she has people with "issues" calling her at all hours with their problems, and to top it all off, one of her patients is an escaped hit-man for the infamous Mr.

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Shah Rukh Khan is a middle class Muslim boy from Delhi, India who has always dreamed of being a star. This is the story of how he is thrown out of his fatherless, friendless world into the enthralling and enticing land of Bollywood. He soon learns that not all that glitters is gold- from failing movies to violent mafia members, Bollywood is not for the weak of heart. The book gives the story of Shah Rukh Khan's life, from his birth to the present. It is a biography about Bollywood's number one star.