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Landry Park review by tbrayton | LitPick Book Reviews
Landry Park review by tbrayton
Landry Park
by Bethany Hagen
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Bethlehem, Connecticut, United States
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In a futuristic United States, Madeline Landry is next in line in the most powerful family of the ruling class; the Gentry.  This lavish and rich social class has ruled over the poor for nearly 200 years with an iron and unrelenting grip.  Within the lower classes are the Rootless, the bottom feeders of society that are forced to do the dirty and dangerous work for the Gentry for no reward.  They are oppressed and ready to revolt.  But when Madeline is sucked into the plotting she must decide if she will stand with them and forsake all that she has ever known, or do her duty to her family and continue the Landry line.


Although at a first glimpse, Landry Park may seem like an ordinary teenage novel, it most certainly possesses a particluar panache that captures and awes the reader.  It is unique in its own way and truly conveys the struggle between desire and duty, morality and selfishness.  Bethany Hagen has outdone herself with this intriguing novel that teaches the reader just as much as it entertains them.  A must-read and book that will not soon be forgotten.

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Content rating - some mature content

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Some violence and scenes of intense poverty and abuse

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