LitPick Review

Jimmy Cardinal isn't anyone special. He scarcely has any friends, keeps his grades neutral, and is despised by his abusive mother. Oh, how hateful his mother is. But Jimmy deals with her. He doesn't try to make her mad, complain about their Lo-Pryce dinners, or ask for anything for his birthday. So why, on the late evening of his thirteenth birthday, does Jimmy find he can float three inches off his kitchen floor? Three inches is only the beginning. With a little exercise, he realizes he can ascend 100 feet and beyond. Jimmy's life takes several spiraling turns as he attempts to keep his God-given ability a secret, but so much is at stake. He soon learns that in time he'll have to come out of the shadows, face society, and say, "I fly."
This novel was so delightful and well-written. Jimmy Cardinal is such a loveable character, as are a good portion the people in "I Fly". Each character has a background that only helps bring the story to life. The author is so descriptive,I felt as though I was a part of Jimmy's world. And it isn't just about a boy who can fly. It is a true coming-of-age story about a boy trying to find himself in the world, and who just happens to be able to fly. Jimmy is quite the dynamic character, seeing as he becomes wiser as the story proceeds. I fell in love with this story from the very first page. If I could change something about it, I would probably not use stars to take place of the inappropriate language.Though I'm not one to encourage that, I would either not have my characters say it, or type the words and let them empower the story.