The Faeman Quest review by PHurl_Mineola
The Faeman Quest (Faerie Wars Chronicles)
by Herbie Brennan
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Mineola, TX, United States
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Teen-aged Cumella is faerie royalty. She has traveled to the human world to see where her father grew up. Little does she know that here absence has thrown her parents into a fierce worry. Queen Blue and her husband King Henry are now desperately looking for their missing daughter. To add to the chaos, the dark lord Hairstreak is planning his rise, hiring an assassin to capture the king and queens daughter. Will the two parents find their child before this ruthless killer does? Find out in Faeman Quest.


I found the Faeman Quest to be very dull and awkward. The way the story was told was confusing in such a way that the flow of the book was extremely bumpy. Also some of the characters in the book where just plain odd. The dark lord Hairstreak is just a head kept alive by some magical rock. If thats not weird then I dont know what is. I would, however, recommend this book to some one who doesnt mind a slow plot in a story.



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