Everything I Needed to Know About Being a Girl rev...
Everything I Needed to Know About Being a Girl I Learned from Judy Blume
by Cara Lockwood, Julie Kenner, Beth Kendrick, Meg Cabot, Jennifer O'Connell
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Anthology

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Asheville, NC , United States
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Everything I Needed To Know About Being A Girl I Learned From Judy Blume is an interesting collection of essays by talented authors about how Judy Blume affected their lives. Even now, years after these amazing writers read Judy Blume, she's still popular. This is something that generations of girls can relate to! Judy Blume, through her writing, teaches about all sorts of things, including friendship, relationships, and, well, life. Everybody who reads her work is affected, and they all take different things away from reading about these universal experiences.


These essays are well worth reading and very interesting. I could definitely relate to these stories--I read Judy Blume's books, too. She taught so many people about life, and reading their personal experiences with her books was great! This is something any fan of Judy Blume's should definitely read. And if you're unfamiliar with Judy Blume, what are you waiting for? Get to the library and check out some of her books, relevant even so many years after they were first written!



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Content rating - mature content

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As some of the content in Judy Blume's books is for mature readers, so is this book, where things relating to those books are talked about.

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