The Door in the Forest review by SJel0511
The Door in the Forest
by Roderick Townley
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Mystery

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 15
Reviewer's Location - Chico, CA, United States
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The Door in the Forest, written by Roderick Townley, is about a group of three kids that have the adventure of a lifetime in the small town of Everwood. Daniel, Emily and Wesley are determined to find their way across to an island surrounded by poisonous snakes, quicksand and vines. Next to finding a way to the island, they also have to deal with the random appearance of an army lead by a fierce leader. This small little town houses many secrets. Is that possibly what the Captain is after?


The Door in the Forest is a very intriguing book. The mystery starts right away. My only criticism would be that, to me, it sounded like the author was trying too hard to use big words. Otherwise it was a very well-written book. It immediately grabbed my attention. The characters were well thought out and quite comical. I love the way the ending was surprising. I would highly suggest reading this book.



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