LitPick Review

The Children of the Lamp, The Akhenaten Adventure is a story about twelve-year-old twins, John and Philippa, who discover that they have mystical powers and belong to a special race, called djinn. Djinn are better known as genies, and they are in control of all the good or bad luck in the universe. Djinn can grant wishes, live in lamps, bottles, and jars, make objects appear out of nowhere, and perform many other incredible actions, as they work for good or bad luck. The twins are challenged to save the earth from the evil djinn that are working for bad luck. They have to find the seventy lost djinn of Akhenaten, an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, and convince these lost djinn to work only for good luck. During their search, they encounter the most evil djinn of all, Iblis, as well as other obstacles in their path.
I thought that this was a very creative and original story. P.B. Kerrs use of a variety of places, from Egypt and the pyramids, all the way to the Arctic Circle, as settings for the twins adventure, adds to the excitement in the story. I am interested in reading the other books in the trilogy when they come out. I would recommend this book to all readers of fantasy fiction.