Bystander review by HB_JMajor
by James Preller
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 10
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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Eric has had a tough life growing up. His dad is a little mental in the head. To make things worse Eric's mom decides to move after his dad went too far. Now Eric is in Bellport, Long Island. He was at the basketball court shooting hoops when all of a sudden he sees this kid running with red all over his torn up shirt. Eric stops the kid and asks what was all over his shirt. Luckily, it turned out to be ketchup. Eric turns his head to see some other boys and a girl on bikes, but when he turns back around, the ketchup boy is gone. It turned out that Griffin Conelly is the one who squirted the ketchup on the boy. The first week of school and Eric and Griffin are best friends, but then Eric finds out Griffin is a bully. Eric has been a bystander all this time, but will Eric become Griffin's next target?


I thought this book was really god. The author made it seem like you were one of the characters. You could feel their pain and feelings. It seemed like I had a video camera going off in my head. It was a very good book.


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