LitPick Review

Gabriel has lived his life in the Returning City, and has never questioned it. He has just been grateful that he lives in a nice house, has a strong family, and is alive. Though aYounger, he fights in the ring to help him and his Revenant family prosper. Even when injured, Revenants heal from the magic in the City. But then, when he is forced to fight his brother Baital, Gabriel's world starts to head for a downward spiral. His own family now thirsts for his blood. What can he do? Where can he go? And what happens when he learns the only one who can save him is his archenemy?
This novel was a great read. The beginning is okay,but as the novel progressed, I became intrigued with every word. Not to mention, the characters were so dynamic I found myself rooting for and against some of them as they changed. I also loved how graphic N.R Allen was depicting the physical pain her characters went through. It is interesting to see through the eyes of Gabriel, who had never seen blood in his life; who referred to it as "red". Fascinating! I do think it was hard to keep up with the setting at times, though. Despite this, I have to say it was an engaging read with strong-willed characters and a thoroughly developed plot. I will be looking for more work from N.RAllen.