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Alice Parker's Metamorphosis - Book 1 of the new adventure series for children review by Npspranger | LitPick Book Reviews
Alice Parker's Metamorphosis - Book 1 of the ...
Alice Parker's Metamorphosis (Alice Parker's Adventures Book 1)
by Nicola Palmer
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 10
Reviewer's Location - madison, wisconsin, United States
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The book Alice Parker's Metamorphosis by Nicola Palmer is about a girl who finds out that there is a group of winged people living in her town.  She discovers that her grandpa and brother have wings and that they work in the cities of winged people, or Finwips.  She learns that she herself has wings but has never known about them.  When she first goes to the Finwip village in her town, she is sent on a journey to find one of the members of the Finwip village named Theo.  She learns that Theo was being held captive by one of her classmate's father, a Sinwip of great evil power.


I think this book is a giant adventure that takes the main character into lots of different settings.  The author describes all the characters in great detail and paints a picture in your head of what's going on.  The author adds a lot of suspense and mystery into the story by giving you almost no clue about what is going to happen next.  I recommend this book because it is really interesting and exciting and I think that almost anyone would enjoy it.

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