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A Stony Gaze review by glitterunicorn9 | LitPick Book Reviews
A Stony Gaze review by glitterunicorn9
Age Range - 8 - 12
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 12
Reviewer's Location - Lexington, Massachusetts, United States
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A Stony Gaze is a picture book written from the perspective of a little boy. He is told that there is a monster in the woods by the name of Medusa. Rumors circulate that if you come across her, she will eat you or turn you to stone! Because of Medusa, people cannot go into the woods to hunt as they are afraid of her. They decide to burn down the woods to get rid of Medusa. While in the woods helping helping to set the trees on fire, the little boy runs into Medusa. He is scared at first but realizes that maybe everything he has been told about Medusa is not true. But will the boy be able to understand Medusa? Or will he be turned to stone himself?



This is a great picture book. Though the story is short, it communicates a great message about not making assumptions about others. It teaches young readers about the importance of having your own thoughts instead of just following what everyone says. I liked how the story was told by a young child, and despite all the adults in the story villainizing Medusa, the young boy was able to form a connection with her. This shows younger readers that even though they are young, they can make a big impact by being kind! Additionally, I liked how the story used a traditional mythological character and made it applicable for younger kids. The picture book was full of colorful hand drawings, which added a fun touch to the book. Overall, I highly recommend this book!

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This book is made for young kids

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