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Waiting for Normal | LitPick Book Reviews
Waiting for Normal
Waiting for Normal

All Cat wants is for life to go back to normal: to hate high school just because its high school, to fight with her mom over her makeup, to defend her choice of boyfriend (who's back in her life and back at school) to her dad, to sit through parent-teacher conferences due to poor grades (and nothing else), to get on her sisters nerves just because she can.

But she can't.
She's too busy waiting; waiting until she's done with all the cancer treatments, waiting for everything to go back to normal.

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  • Fiction

Age Level: 

  • Mature Young Adult
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Normal [n]: the usual, average, or typical state or condition. For most high school teens being just normal means being boring. Being normal is not the plan nor would they ever want to be described as such. For Cat, being normal is something she only dreams about, and her dreams aren’t happy ones at the moment. Cat is finally back to school for her senior year, but she no longer has a boyfriend, straight As, or a position on the crew team. What Cat does have…is lymphoma.

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