Unearthly review by CLi
by Cynthia Hand
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fantasy
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 16
Reviewer's Location - Los Altos, CA, United States
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As an angel- blood, Clara has a purpose in life -- the sole reason she exists on earth in the first place. With nothing to guide her but visions of a boy in a forest fire and the annoyingly confusing comments her angel mother tells her, Clara and her family move from sunny California to snowy Wyoming in an attempt to complete her purpose. It is there that Clara comes face to face with Christian, the boy in her dreams, and delves into the complicated world of high school love and Nephilim war. As circumstances become even more perplexing, Tucker appears in Clara's life. Fun, normal, dimpled Tucker. Clara is the one who must make the decision, for who else can do so for her?


Cynthia Hand's debut, Unearthly, was gorgeously written. She managed to depict an authentic teen voice without going overboard with the standard ALL CAPS to express emotion and the internet slang (ie. OMG, LOL, WTF) that has infused itself into the world of teenagers. To say that I flipped open this book with skepticism would be an understatement, since I've had almost traumatic experiences with YA angel books before. Surprisingly, Unearthly proved to be different from the rest. Unlike the cliches that are prevalent in other angel books -- the dark and brooding fallen angel who falls in love with a human girl -- this book delivers a unique twist that left me flipping the pages one after another deep into the night.

Of course, we also encounter the infamous love triangle here, but the author handled it well, and I thank her for not following the conventional route most other YA books do. There is actually a development in the boy and girl's relationship - - a concept often lacking in YA fiction. Instead of love at first sight, a steady build-up of attraction occurs that seems real instead of crafted. I especially adore the ending, oh how I grinned like a maniac at the book in my hands when Clara finally makes up her mind.

This is the beginning of a great series, and I will definitely be on the look-out for future works by Cynthia Hand.


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