Book Reviews by CLi
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Kylie's life is breaking down around her: her parents 
consider divorce, her boyfriend dumps her and immediately 
starts going out with another girl, and a stalker has been 
introduced into her life. It isn't until Kylie gets caught at 
a party -- with under-aged drinking and drugs galore -- that 
her life gets turned completely upside down. Her Ice Queen 
mom decides to send her to Shadow Falls Camp, a 
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Since the worlds that CLAMP has created are all incredibly complex, this guide is helpful in filling in the blanks that users might have about the manga series. The Official xxxHolic Guide starts out with six full-color mini posters depicting the main characters of the manga - namely Yuko and Watanuki. It then continues to go in depth about the characters, connections to other CLAMP works, and Yuko's best quotes, wardrobe, and favorite things. At the end are various readers' poll results, compatibility tests, and quizzes.

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Tess finally has the chance to leave the Lisles she has served since childhood. Spoiled, demanding, and utterly obnoxious, the head of the Lisles family has decided to relocate her children, Tess, and two other servants to America via the Titanic. Tess is happy to oblige and plans on resigning the second she sets her foot down on American soil. But there are mysteries aboard the majestic vessel, mysteries that are somehow tied to the unknowing Lisles. It all started with a wolf in a dark alley and a handsome protector. And now, it is so much more.

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I feel really tired.  But it's a good kind of tired. Like after you run a marathon. Or after you finally finish taking all your finals. You're exhausted but content and your heart is just a teensy bit heavy.
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Since the Rose accident, Sydney has been branded as a disgrace in the Alchemist community. When Keith -- that arrogant jerk -- shows up with a method for her to redeem herself, Sydney jumps at the chance. The pair is sent to California as guardians for Jill, the Moroi princess who has recently suffered and barely survived a brutal attack. Posing as students in an obscure private school in Palm Springs should be an easy task. However, a chain of events have already been set into motion at this sunny haven, and the Alchemist-vampire posse is right in the middle of it.

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Gwen Frost is being forced to attend Mythos Academy, an elite school set apart to train kids who just so happen to be descendants of various mythical warriors. Of course, Gwen doesn't believe in any of the supernatural skills her classmates supposedly possess. The only type of magic she actually accepts is her own and that of her own family. When the school's most popular girl, the icy Valkyrie princess Jasmine, is murdered right in the library next to a stolen mythical artifact called the Bowl of Tears, Gwen is determined to get to the bottom of the entire situation.