The Betrayal of Maggie Blair review by PWak_RPEMS
The Betrayal of Maggie Blair
by Elizabeth Laird
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Historical Fiction

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Baltimore, MD, United States
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The Betrayal of Maggie Blair by Elizabeth Laird  This book is about a girl named Maggie who lives on an island on an island in 17th century Scotland. Maggie's grandmother is accused of witchcraft. She and Maggie are put into jail to be tried. Maggie manages to escape but her grandma will not leave the jail with her. Maggie goes to her uncle's house far away. Everything is going well until an old enemy named Annie shows up and complicates things for Maggie. Annie will stop at about nothing to get what she wants and what she wants is marriage to Maggie's cousin, Ritchie. Maggie has to somehow save what's left of her family and expose Annie for the liar that she is.


I did not at all enjoy this book. I thought this book was really religious, which is one of the reasons that I did not like it. I was wary from the first page when Maggie sees a whale that has washed ashore and she thinks it a sign that God is going to come down from the heavens and judge the living and dead. The book was also kind of hard to follow unless I paid a lot of attention. The tone in the book was kind of sober, droning on and on. I had to force myself to read it and I did suffer through. However, I think that the author is a good writer. I could imagine Maggie and the other characters and the setting. I can recommend the book to someone who likes really religious books. For ages 13 and up. It contains adultry and an abortion    


Content Rating:

Content rating - religious perspective

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