Indian Summer review by KV_JKOrange
Indian Summer
by Tracy Richardson
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Orange, OH, United States
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The book Indian Summer is about this one girl named, Marcie Horton. In the beginning of the book it starts off when Marcie is having her last day of school party. Marcie is riding her bike to the party and all of a sudden something incredible happens. (If you want to know the incredible thing you should start off by getting and then reading this book, Indian Summer). Well anyway, Marcie does not know if she is imagining it or if it is really happening. Then Marcie is riding her bike normally again. Once Marcie gets to the party she finds her best friend, Sara to hang out with each other. Sara and Marcie race together with a few other people. After the race is over Sara and Marcie go inside a maze. In the middle of the race Marcie can't see Sara any where. Marcie sees this one girl who is sort of leading Marcie to the end of the maze. Right when Marcie gets to the finish line the girl is gone. Marcie asks Sara if she saw a girl come out of the maze, but Sara said,'no' and Sara said,'You probably came out a different exit.' 'Yeah that's probably it.' Says Marcie. The party is over and Marcie has to get up early to leave for her trip to her grandparent's cottage. Usually Marcie has been having these dreams about the incredible thing that happened in the beginning of the book and a thing about her other friend Katherine's dad about destroying woods that are important to Marcie and her family. If you want to know more about this book buy it and read it. Also this would be a good book for people that like mysteries because it's fun to solve the mysteries in this book before the answer are told.


This review that I'm writing about is from the book, Indian Summer. First things first, I did like the book but did not think it was the best book ever. In the book there is some parts here and there that were confusing. For example there was a part about how to use a boat and the particular parts. Another thing that was confusing when the author used too many he, she and them. I disliked that because I didn't know the author was talking about. Even people who don't like long books would like this book because once you start you want to finish even though there's 200 pages in this book. This book taught me a lot about Native Americans. If you are one of those people that like to learn about Native Americans I recommend this book to you. I still recommend this book to others if you can wait from the boring parts to the action parts. This book has more action parts than boring parts. Right when you open to the first page the action begins.


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