Indian Summer
Indian Summer
Indian Summer
Tracy Richardson
Luminis Books presents this harrowing tale of friendship, adventure, and doing the right thing, no matter what the cost.  Can a spirit from the past come back to help us solve a problem in the present? Expecting another lonely summer at her grandparents' cottage in the woods, twelve-year-old Marcie Horton gets more than she bargained for when the area is threatened by a wealthy university president, who has no problem replacing the quaint, historic area with over-sized mansions. Marcie refuses to sit back and watch her childhood memories disappear into the past--she'll do anything to save the centuries-old forest from destruction. Bewildered by the enormous task ahead, Marcie finds unexpected guidance when the spirit of a Native American girl presents herself, offering cryptic-dream like messages that are clearly the key to succeeding in her quest. Although she seems to be making real progress on her mission to save the forest, her budding friendship with the  university president's daughter--her one summer-time companion--threatens to unravel everything. Will Marcie stay true to her friends even if it means giving up everything she's fought so hard to protect? Or, will she choose to save the forest at great personal sacrifice? INDIANA / FOREST / NATIVE AMERICANS / SAILBOAT RACES / ENVIRONMENTAL FICTION / FRIENDSHIP / MIDDLE-GRADE

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Juvenile Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

The book Indian Summer is about this one girl named, Marcie Horton. In the beginning of the book it starts off when Marcie is having her last day of school party. Marcie is riding her bike to the party and all of a sudden something incredible happens. (If you want to know the incredible thing you should start off by getting and then reading this book, Indian Summer). Well anyway, Marcie does not know if she is imagining it or if it is really happening. Then Marcie is riding her bike normally again. Once Marcie gets to the party she finds her best friend, Sara to hang out with each other.

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