Wormhole Pirates On Orbis 3 review by RJaco
The Softwire: Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3
by PJ Haarsma
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 14
Reviewer's Location - Sparks, MD, United States
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Johnny Turnbull is a kudnik, which means that he is a slave and is constantly disrespected. Citizens see him as nothing more than a tool that they can use to make money and get their work done. Because of this, JT is forced to ride in an unpleasant part of the shuttle to Orbis 3. But he and his friends weren't prepared for the wormhole pirates that boarded the ship, or the deadly game that they begin playing once they arrived at Orbis 3. To make matters worse, JT faces an old enemy that he thought he would never see again...


"Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3" was a very good book that takes place in a futuristic setting. The main part of the book's setting was a city that is much more technologically advanced and imaginative than our own. Despite this, P.J. Haarsma, the author, successfully incorporates the setting into the story in a very realistic and well-written way. By doing this, the author enhances the novel and makes it extremely interesting. Another way that this book was made better was its atmosphere of science fiction and the gadgets that the author created. This made the book seem interesting because P.J. Haarsma created a world like no other in which his very realistic characters fit perfectly. "Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3" was a smooth and effective book that contained many of the problems that people might face in real life. This aspect prevented me from looking at the story as completely far-fetched, and it made me enjoy reading this book. I would definitely recommend this book to others, for I am giving the book a 10, which I have never done before. There were no noticeable flaws in "Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3," for the beginning creatively set up the entire story, the middle of the the book contained many conflicts, and the end was action-packed. I sincerely enjoyed reading "Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3," and I suggest you give it a try too!


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