Wormhole Pirates On Orbis 3
The Softwire: Wormhole Pirates on Orbis 3
Wormhole Pirates On Orbis 3
PJ Haarsma
Hang on to your transport! Wormhole pirates close in on JT and his friends in part three of the cyber-fueled sci-fi adventure.It’s not a good sign: before Johnny Turnbull and his fellow knudniks even land on Orbis 3, a band of wormhole pirates invades their shuttle and deliver a cryptic threat to JT. And even though JT and his friends are thrilled to find out that they’ll get a reprieve from work this rotation (except for going to school with a bunch of bullying Citizens), JT senses something sinister in the air. Could that be a wormhole pirate he keeps spotting, with an alien skull and crossbones on his arm? Why is Max acting strangely whenever she’s around JT? Who is luring JT into a deadly competitive game? And why is his telepathic sister, Ketheria, suddenly getting sick? Prime your neural implant for some nonstop action and intrigue in a new episode starring the fi rst human softwire.

Book Details


  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Science Fiction

Age Level: 

  • 12 and up
Profile Picture

Johnny Turnbull is a kudnik, which means that he is a slave and is constantly disrespected. Citizens see him as nothing more than a tool that they can use to make money and get their work done. Because of this, JT is forced to ride in an unpleasant part of the shuttle to Orbis 3. But he and his friends weren't prepared for the wormhole pirates that boarded the ship, or the deadly game that they begin playing once they arrived at Orbis 3. To make matters worse, JT faces an old enemy that he thought he would never see again...

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