My Vicksburg review by MNo2
My Vicksburg
by Ann Rinaldi
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Fiction
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 9
Reviewer's Location - San Patricio, NM, United States
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It is May 1863, and Claire Louise Corbet's beloved hometown of Vicksburg, Mississippi, is being used as a battlefield by the Confederate and the Union Army. When everyone begins to desert the town and move up into caves on the outskirts of town, Claire Louise's family seems to tear apart. Her father is a high ranked doctor for the Confederate Army while her older brother, Landon Corbet, is a doctor for the Union Army. Both her father and her brother are sent to other towns to help doctor people, while her mother is left alone to care for Claire Louise and her younger brother James. Landon returns home with a wounded Confederate solider named Robert, who is hiding a dark secret. Both Clarie Louise and Landon know they must help him before it is too late, but they are battling between what is right for Robert and doing what is right for their reputation. In the meantime, a food shortage occurs and the Corbet family could be on the brink of starvation. Will they make it through the hard times that the war has brought upon them? Read My Vicksburg to see what happens!


Even though I really haven't read too many historical fiction books or even heard of Ann Rinaldi, I thought this was a great book!! It seems you always hear stories about the Union side fighting against the Confederate , but you never hear the stories about a Confederate doctor and his son who serves on the opposite side. Altogether it was an excellent page turner!


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