Harmony review by RJaco
by C. F. Bentley
Age Range - 12 and up
Genre - Adventure
Five Star Award

LitPick Review

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Age at time of review - 13
Reviewer's Location - Sparks, MD, United States
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Sissy is just an ordinary girl, one who works in an ordinary factory. In fact, everything is ordinary about her. She has dark skin and dark hair. She is a normal worker, except for the six extra caste marks on her cheek. Each person on the planet harmony has a caste mark that distinguishes him or her among society. And when the ruler, Laude Gregor finds out about this, he elevates Sissy to High Priestess in order to soothe the God Harmony's distress. But he does not foresee the trouble she may cause, as well as the change she may bring about.


Harmony was an excellent book, one that used many elements such as setting and development of characters to enhance the contents. First off, I think the author used and described the scenery well. It would feel as if I was the main character at parts, but at other parts the descriptions were only so-so. Different parts of this novel have different mood tones, such as uncertainty, fear, trust, and desperation to intensify the book further. I could very well tell that Sissy was from a totally different civilization than ours, and she was not happy with the way it was run. This would create tension, as well as a great deal of suspense that would last throughout the book. Some characters, however, seemed to be more and more suspicious and less trustworthy as the story progressed. This created an aura of skepticism towards the sketchy characters. I think it was completely appropriate to speak in third person, for there were many characters. To complete the first book, I think the author should write a sequel because there were very many loose ends left untied. The author achieved a gripping novel, which I could absolutely not put down. It shows how a simple girl of the lowest social order could elevate herself to bring about a change on the planet Harmony. Also, amazingly enough, the only flaw I could find was that the very beginning just thrusted you right into the story with very little explanation. Furthermore, the plot was compelling with completely age appropriate vocabulary. Harmony had a distinct and original plot, which was superior to the other books I have read in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre. I think Harmony was a great book, which had an interesting ending. I would definitely recommend Harmony to any person who just likes to read an all-around fantastic Sci-Fi/Fantasy novel.


Reviewer Age:12

Reviewer City, State and Country: Baltimore, Maryland USA

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